“Aerodynamically, the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but the bumblebee does not know that so it goes on flying anyway…”

                                                             Mary kay ash

I am a parent of a child with additional needs. When creating the MacManus Music Project, one of the most important aspects was that it would be accessible for everyone: child or adult, regardless of ability or need. I wanted to do everything in my power to be able to ensure all the sessions and activities were available and accessible for all. I see daily the powerful impact music has on my daughters life, her natural musical ability and the effect it has on her entire being is unquestionable. She has relationship with music that goes deeper than I can fully understand, all I can do is continue to facilitate her opportunities to access it. As a family we are fully immersed in the SEND community and have made some wonderful friends and connections. This is not something that is just close to my heart, it is my entire heart.

I am working daily towards making as many of the activities as inclusive as possible. My aim is to be able to provide access to every single activity in a way that is sensitive to the needs or required adjustment of any individual.

At the point of booking there is a section on the form that asks if there are any needs we need to be aware of and what adjustments would be required. I would ask that as much information as possible be provided at this stage and I will do my utmost to meet those needs. It is so, so important to me that music remains accessible and that everyone has a chance to participate.

I pledge to continue growing the project and continue to do all I can meet the needs of every person that has a desire to get involved in music.

Ruairi MacManus